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Celebrating National Nutrition Month

| Autumn Enloe

March is one of my favorite months because it’s National Nutrition Month!  This year’s theme is “Put Your Best Fork Forward.”1

What does that mean? Putting your best fork forward is a reminder that each of us holds the tool to make healthier food decisions right in our hands. Making small and simple changes to what you put on your plate and utensil can help make a huge difference in your energy levels, moods, weight, digestion, activity level and more!

Below are some simple ways to help put your best fork forward:

  • Make half of your plate vegetables (especially green vegetables!)
  • Replace cereal in the morning with foods such as eggs, Greek yogurt or smoothies
  • Limit starchy carbohydrates such as pasta or potatoes to no more than ½ cup per meal
  • Consume protein at every meal and snack (at least 20 grams at meals and 10 grams at snacks)
  • Aim to have at least three different colors on your plate
  • Don’t keep junk food like chips or cookies in the house (remember – out of sight, out of mind!
  • Skip the vending machine and have vegetables or fruit for snacks instead
  • Take at least 20 minutes to eat your meals

Are you interested in learning more about ways to improve your eating habits? Well, look no further because I’m here to help! Schedule a free 30-minute dietary consult today and let’s get started on putting your best fork forward.

Health and Happiness,

Autumn Enloe, MS, RD, LD
Registered Dietitian
Live Your LifeTM
Bringing Physical Therapy & Wellness to You!

Autumn Enloe is a registered and licensed dietitian who holds a Master’s degree in Food and Nutritional Sciences. Autumn has worked with hundreds of clients on areas such as weight management, blood sugar support, gut health, mindful eating, and food sensitivities.  She applies a holistic approach to nutrition and knows that our health is based on much more than just what we eat. Learn more about our dietary services here:


 1National Nutrition Month. Accessed on February 22, 2017

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