Prevent Winter Falls and Injuries

| Dr. Eva Norman

prevent falls and injuriesWinter weather is often the cause of falls and injuries from falling. You can be subject to a winter fall at any age or health condition and, unfortunately, one fall makes you prone to falling again. Quite often you become so frightened of falling again that you may overcompensate; actually putting you at even more risk for falling again.

Those who have already fallen may also find that they change their lifestyle and become less active for fear of falling again. Don’t be held a prisoner in your own home due to fear of falling!

Fall Prevention & Awareness

  • Winterize your footwear and assistive devices to be sturdy and helpful in winter conditions. Some suggestions for items that can help keep you on your feet this winter include:
    1. Ice Gripper Cane Tips & Spikeless Ice & Snow Shoe Gripping Sole Covers can be found locally or online here.
    2. Turn your wheelchair tires into snow tires inexpensively with this how to article that gives you step by step instructions.
  • Kitty litter is a wonderful way to help with traction on slippery winter sidewalks and streets.
    When you’re walking, carry a zipper bag of kitty litter in your coat pocket to throw down in front of you if you should come across a slippery surface that you must walk on.
    If you’re in your car it’s best to call for help; but, if you don’t have that option it’s good to have kitty litter in a sealed bag in the back seat that you can toss out in front of where you get out of your car. Once you are safely grounded and can move about, scatter more litter under your tires.

Check out this informative article about the many uses of kitty litter in winter.

  • Look into purchasing a fall alarm. Fall alarm systems have come a long way since they first came out. They are also more affordable. If you are worried about you or someone you love falling on the ice look into an alarm button that is not limited to using just inside the house. Motion triggered buttons are the best option as the sensors can tell if a person has fallen. A button that the wearer must push will be useless if the person is unconscious or severely injured.
  • Have a LED flashlight attached to your keys so you can see to get inside your car and your home easily. Winter days mean less light and you may find yourself outdoors in the darker hours now that it’s dark earlier.
  • Be sure to have your eyes checked regularly. Having poor vision can be a factor in causing dizziness, vertigo, and balance issues that can result in a higher risk of falling. Your eyesight is very important and plays a very big part in your ability to remain sturdy on your feet.

It’s also a good idea to be screened for fall risk. A trained physical therapist can provide screenings that can determine if you are at risk. Get involved in a fall prevention or balance program that will help strengthen your body to reduce your risk of falls and increase your balance. It’s important to be proactive in your approach to the winter and all the risks that winter can present to us.

Live Your Life Physical Therapy wants you to Live Your Life FALL FREE this winter!


Dedicated to Keeping You Healthy, Safe & Active,

Dr. Eva Norman
President & Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy

Live Your Life Physical Therapy, LLC

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